Monday, August 28, 2006

knowing him

He just turned 32. I met him 5 years ago. We we're working in the same company then. He was under the MIS department and I am in the QMS. I was turning 22 that time. While he was being a responsible man, I was in a relationship, with a man who loves me more than his life. The unexpected thing happened. Something that I had not dreamed about came into existence. I let go of my previous relationship and started a new one, this time, with him.

I knew then that I have love. It was then that I felt so much pain, so much hurt. Even realizing how stupid I am. The world could not understand me, but I believe they have their point. I am simply closing my eyes to what it really is. And I am blaming the world also. Life had been unfair for me. I wanted situations to be somewhat different, yet it could not be and it would never be. Times when I question love and what it really is. Times when I found myself why I had been in this situation. The answer was only, I choose to be in this road. It was then when I choose to accept him and what his past. It was never easy, nothing is ever easy. It was my tears who had made me strong. Believing that my plight matters, that eventually things would be as smooth as possible.

(i'll continue this tomorrow...)

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