Wednesday, August 23, 2006

i wanna be rich

I am happy with what I have, thankful for the blessings. Yet, if I would have one wish right now, I would want to have abundance. I want to be rich. There, I wouldn't worry about money or the lack of it. I wouldn't fear the future. I wouldn't make a budget and succumb to making a debt if ever. I could be in places, buy whatever I want for me and my family, live in grandeur. Sometimes, I couldn't help but wonder why there are people who have huge amount of money and some really have to struggle.

They say money can't buy happiness. But others are not happy as they worry to much to survive their daily lives. I've witnessed how some people sell what they have and loan money just to have food for their family. And they feel that they would be happier if they would not worry about money. I've witnessed how the rich people spend too much and not worry about the lack of money. They could easy spend thousand bucks on one item. They could afford luxury. They are financially blessed, yet they too have their own problems.

Maybe I am not poor, but I am not rich either. Maybe I am still blessed, even if I am not lucky. I wouldn't be a hypocrite. Money worries me, sometimes it burdens me. Times when it fills my thoughts and I just felt saddened by such feelings. The future is what scares me. I grew up wth the comforts of life. These I want my family to have. Yet I realize that what I have isn't really enough. My happiness springs from my family and the love in my heart. I am at peace with people. Living is really hard, though. Still, if I could choose to be... I want to be rich.

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