Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
- Beautiful, Christina Aguilera

Simplicity is real... and this is who I am.

Looking up at the word "vanity".

Vanity is the excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments.

So that means, I am not vain. True, I am not. Seldom do I worry about what I look. Maybe I had been unmindful of what others perceive me. I am not that preety, yet often times being stolen a glance at. I am not a fan of make-ups, hair salons and spas. Yet, I take good care of myself. For me being fresh and clean at all times is enough. I am not against indulging oneself in a product that would make a person look good. In fact, I always familiarize myself with these products. I love anything that is beautiful. I admire the beauty of a person.

Well, maybe it would help to be a little vain. Sometimes being plain and simple is becoming a boredom. I believe that being beautiful had its advantages, though its not the only thing that matters. Being happy with what you have and loving yourself truly counts a lot.

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