Saturday, January 28, 2006

past situations - part 1

July 18, 2005 - Her sharing
Since last week, Michelle had been sharing with me their stories, their life. I appreciate that but I was wondering why she is doing that. I don't know what she wanted... some revelations are indeed very hurtful, but all i could do is accept. And all those times, I was simply being friendly. offering an ear and sharing with her some thoughts. Until now, she has been sending me messages and now I shared these with her:
"I understand why vincent had said all those things to me. I may not know his reason why he told me that. I also understnd why he told u not to belive all those. I mean, you're alrdy married now & whatevr he had said before doesn't count anymore whether it was true for him or not"

"there are simply a lot of things in life that we just need to accept & understand... things that you stil have to experience & make you stronger, or we could simply put everything behind, pretend that it never happened & simply forget. Words once uttered will remain... but still I could accept that actions can change"
"Michelle, don't complicate life & your relationship. You have already accepted him & his past. Dont dwell too much on things that doesn't matter anymore. 'Dont even give ur time & energy to those people who are trying to ruin your relationship w/ him... remember that at the end of d day, the only thing that matters is what you have now.."

July 27, 2005 - Unreal, Looking in
Am i truly happy hearing her stories?... remembering him. realizing that he is really happy living his life with her... that this is what he really wanted. knowing than I am just a part of the past... that all that changed the day he met her. she is so proud to have him... so full of love and happiness. Oftentimes finding myself breathing a sigh with all those stories she was telling me... letting me picture them, a happy family with a loving wife and a responsible husband... sharing with me everything he had done for her... the dream that had been real for him.
To him---- We had changed, as people do. You found yourself in the arms of someone who could not be me... who could give you the love that you have not felt from me. We are now walking separately, still hand in hand., but this time with different persons. You are happy now & yes, you deserve to be happy... just as I am

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