Monday, January 30, 2006

email from her

Now, Michelle started again... she sent me this email:
hi! i know you won't expect this but it's true i sent you this msg. Don't get me wrong not trying to argue with you or anything just want to settle things between us once and for all. I know a lot had happen but i think it's never too late for us to settle it right? I've gotten so tired about this topic too...just want to have a peace of mind that's all...

I think twice before I sent her my reply:
Mchelle, for me everything is all over... I had forgotten everything already. I don't keep baggages. I had never thought about you nor the incidents that had happened in the past. It is not important to me at all.
I had been receiving messages at friendster from people which I presume you knew. Sending me messages
and accusations... similar accusations you had pointed at me before. I don't know if it was you or a friend of yours. I don't care about all those words thrown at me, as it does not affect me at all. I don't want to waste my time on such senseless words...
If you think that there's something to settle, then so be it... don't fret about things from the past. If there's something which hinders you from being at peace, then clear everything and let it go. In that way, I know you'll easily achieve peace of mind...
I already thought that everything was all over. For me it was, but for her, it wasn't...

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