Thursday, July 13, 2006

my good heart

Michelle sent me a message yesterday. She told me that she still wants to befriend me after what had happened between us... that she feel that I am a good person, but because of the people around us and the situation we are into, we always end up having confrontations.

That was weird. What are her reasons this time? I am in a good mood yesterday, so I decided to tell her that if it's right, if she had truly let go of the past, if this is not a bluff, well maybe then we could be friends.

And I thank her for reaching out. I am really thankful. Yet, I knew the personality of this person. I am preparing myself for another dose of her extreme bitterness towards me. I don't know, maybe she just wanted to know something this time.

And I am being careful. I've learned my lessons. I knew what kind of person she is.
But I am being real.

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