Tuesday, January 31, 2006

January Quotes and Messages

  • the shortest distance between a problema and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. the one who kneels before the Lord can stand up to anything
  • never underestimate your potential and never be ashamed of what you are. do your best specially when people expect you to do less, because the greatest treasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do
  • it's not one great deed tha defines who you are. it's the little good things that you do to others that count. people may not notice but God does
  • success in life cannot be an accident. it's the result of right decisions at the right time. champions are not the people who never fall, but the people who never quit
  • our minds gather the dirt and dust of human opinion everyday, but God's words are like waterfals that wash and purify our hearts and minds
  • for every dream in our heart, God gives us inspiration. for every hope we seek, God give's us unexpected miracles. for every faith we believe God blesses us more
  • a happy heart is a good medicine and a positive mind works healing. don't forget to smile and have a good laugh, because it adds color to your life
  • years from now, i don't know who i'm gonna be... where i'll be in my life and what i have done. but one thing would be certain... you would be my friend wherever i'll be
  • i may be just a candle in your life. i may burn out and mely a while. but i just wish that within that time. my light and warmth touched your heart even for just a while
  • life is a choice. if you can't have all, have some at least. if you cant't be good, don't be bad. if you can't be totally happy, don't be completely sad
  • the most powerful witness of the truth of God's word is what other's see in our lives. we should live in such a way that people would say "I want your God to be my God"
  • why does cupid symbolizes baby angels?... that is to remind us that true love never grows old. but why is cupid's arrow directed to the heart?... to remind us that true love hurts


Anonymous said...

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I procure recently bought a familiar laptop that is old. The himself I had bought it from had installed windows xp on it, orderly yet it originally came with windows Me. I after to eradicate the windows xp because it runs slows on the laptop because it takes up more tribute than the windows Me would. Also I want to massacre windows xp because it is an illegal copy. So when I tried to ass updates on it, windows would not set up updates because the windows xp is not genuine. [URL=http://hgehccd.angelfire.com]accurate imaging oshkosh wi[/URL]

Answers :

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Anonymous said...

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