Saturday, September 30, 2006


Strong thyphoon , Milenyo hit the country last thursday. I even came to work that day. I've witnessed how strong the thyphoon was. I've seen the great winds and the rain, trees being toppled from its roots, billboards collapsing. At 3 pm, I went home and while walking, we saw the damaged it had done. Arriving home without electricity. Heard from the news in the radio the destruction it had caused. Until now, we are still hoping that we would have it back since places already had their lights though some really doesn't have.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

a decade

ten years
of knowing
how long had it been?
swiftly remembering
nothing is the same
just changes

Friday, September 15, 2006

diner dash 2

Diner Dash 2: Restaurant Rescue is very addicting. I really love playing this game. I only have the trial version of first Diner Dash and I' m so glad I have the full version of this one. This game challenges you how to strategically sequence tasks. You have to seat customers, take orders, serve drinks, deliver food, and collect tips. There is an upgrade upon completion of one level. I just hope I have lots of time to play... unfortunately, I don't!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

not happy

Heard a sad news this morning. Employees in our company which are based in cupang, muntinlupa would be retrenched. whew! good thing is, I am in the head office and I am not affected with such. Well, here I am... staying in the it-doesnt-matter mode. But then, it was so dissapointing. There would me approximately 200 people who would be unemployed. They would only be paid a month's salary for 2 years of service. I pity those who have a family to support. Some could probably be rehired in another position, some will look for another job, while some would really felt that bitterness.

Not happy either with what I've heard from the radio. The song "Breaking Free" from Disney's High School Musical has another Asian version. This is sung by Nikki Gil, Vince Chong and Alicia Pan. The new version is far off from the real one. I love the original one which is sung by Zac Efron and Vanessa Anne Hudgens. I love this song. It song talks about following your dreams and believing in yourself.

Friday, September 08, 2006

high school musical

This is really a good movie to watch. My kids absolutely love this Disney movie. My daughter loves singing the songs and my 6-month old son is thrilled when he hears Ryan and Sharpay sing
"What I've Been Looking For".

The entire cast is appealing. The music and choreography is great. High School Musical gets its conflict from the idea of doing something different from what people expect. The song "Stick To The Status Quo" points out the aspect of peer pressure which most teenagers worry about as to what their friends would think.

I love the song "Breaking Free," "Start of Something New" and "We're All in This Together" .

Thursday, September 07, 2006

He was... She was

He found her... she never searched.

For him, she was a dream come true. For her, he could be.
He loved her too much. She didn't know how little.
He hold on too tight. She always yearn for freedom.
He found in her the woman he yearn to marry. She could not see herself walking down the aisle. She was always in his dreams. He was also in her dreams.

Through the years, they love, fight, see other people, broke-up and made up.
They laughed, cried, played, danced, hugged, kissed, slept in each others arms.
A hundred good moments... a thousand memories.
He was her first. He wanted her to be his last.

She had chosen another road. He gave her what she wanted.
He was so devastated... his heart was filled with scars.
She enjoyed her new life with another... her heart jumped with joy.

After sometime, their paths crossed.
He thought he could bring back the flame. She thought another thing.
He asked her if she still loves him. She did not answer, she felt different.
He never want to see her leave. She hesitated on leaving as well.

From time to time, he would send her messages.
She did not mind it, she was just busy.
The communication was gone.

A year had passed.
He wanted to see her as he would transfer in a different place.
She also wanted to but she told him she could not.
He had somehow moved on, seeing her would make him take her back.
She had moved on, seeing him would bring it all back.

He started a new life, she had continued with hers.
Then he sent her a message, she felt that all emotions poured in.
He told her the truth. She accepted yet her mind was full of questions.
He could not do anything, she could not do anything either.
They do what is right.

They had the same faith, they had the same destiny.
They got married at the same year, had their first born at the same month.
But he was not with her, she was not with him either.

They had walked together hand-in-hand.
They would continue walking, not with each other, but with people that deserves them.
They both knew what is true.
They knew what is real.

shall we dance... sway

morning at the office... tired... sleepy... want to dance not here, people would stare. could not dance that well. they would think I am weird... remembering the music Sway from the movie Shall We Dance

When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more
Like a flower bending in the breeze

Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me
Other dancers may be on the floor

Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak
- Pussycat Dolls

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

what I aspire to be

I had once dreamed to be an executive. Working in a multinational company, leading a team of people, going abroad for trainings. I had once visioned myself to be a great one. It was so easy to dream and aspire when I am still young. After all these years, I had not accomplished much.

I feel good for those who had achieved their goals. Maybe this is where I really belong. I feel like I don't have a career, an accomplishment to be proud at. Have I grown professionally, may not. Well. maybe it's not yet the end. I wouldn't wish, but I would still aspire to be one.

Friday, September 01, 2006


I am not good with words, with expressions.
Still, my mind is filled with thoughts unspoken, unwritten.
So many words left unexpressed.
If only my mind could speak, if only it could write.